Showing posts with label fiscal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fiscal. Show all posts

Pete Kasperowicz: National Debt Hits $19 Trillion

Only Rand Paul would halt the spending.  The national debt hit $19 trillion for the first time ever on Friday, and came in at $19.012 trillion. It took a little more than 13 months for the debt to climb by $1 trillion. The national debt hit $18 trillion on Dec. 15, 2014. That's a slightly stepped-up pace compared to the last few $1 trillion mileposts.  ... MORE

Veronique de Rugy: States Must Confront Pension Costs

State-Based Accounting 101: ranking fiscal condition.   One of the most boring classes I took in college was on accounting. Over the years, however, I've come to understand the importance of proper and transparent accounting. As the disastrous examples of Greece, Puerto Rico, Detroit, and Chicago demonstrate, dodging long-term   ... MORE

Why The Cost Of Government Is Higher Than You Think

by Gary Galles.        Crowding out what matters. “Look what I did for you!” When our children were small, my wife and I got many gifts from them accompanied with those words (including most of our refrigerator art and many things that still adorn our Christmas trees), in search of approval and encouragement. While that process was an      ... MORE

Steven Greenhut: Detroit’s Long Road To The Bottom

The Motor City’s path to economic ruin.    Californians frustrated by the state’s long-term fiscal situation sometimes throw up their hands and declare that things must get worse before they get better. Let the tax-and-spenders have at it, they say, and then voters eventually will wake up and change their ways. Unfortunately, “eventually” can   ... MORE