Showing posts with label free enterprise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label free enterprise. Show all posts

Condemn ObamaCare -- No Alternative Needed

by Barry Farber.      The brightest star in Yogi Berra’s Library-of-Life-Lifters is probably “It’s déjà vu all over again.” (Runner-up: “Nobody goes to that restaurant anymore. It’s too crowded.”) It hit me with a comforting force when I suddenly connected what I was hearing these days that rang dim but important bells from long ago. You’ve     ... MORE

VIDEO: Milton Friedman - A Conversation On Equality

From the award-winning series "Free To Choose," featuring Thomas Sowell.

Federal Regs Cut Standard of Living by 75% In 56 Years

The high cost of red tape.   The 20th annual snapshot of the federal regulatory state published by the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) last month announced the arrival of an unhappy milestone: Regulatory costs now equal more than half of all federal spending. Put another way, the real cost of government in the United States is half-again as  ... MORE

John Stossel: Train Wreck Ahead

The perils of a blind engineer.   Most Americans — even those who are legislators — know very little about the details of President Obama's Affordable Care Act, so-called Obamacare. Next year, when it goes into effect, we will learn the hard way. Many people lazily assume that the law will do roughly what it promises: give insurance to the uninsured   ... MORE

Capitalism: Making Tires Safer And Most Things Better

A system where the consumer is king.   Humans have been using tires since the dawn of the automotive age. But today’s tires aren’t much like their predecessors. Instead of being made with natural rubber, for example, they’re fashioned from layers of materials, including textiles and steel. This is a perfect example of what economist Joseph  ... MORE

VIDEO: The Pilgrims And Property Rights

How our ancestors got fat & happy