Showing posts with label laissez fare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label laissez fare. Show all posts

The Data Is Clear: Free Markets Reduce Poverty

by D.W. MacKenzie.       Some Catholic clergy have, once again, denounced supporters of laissez-faire capitalism. Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga claims that the free market economy is “a new idol” which creates inequality, excludes the poor, and that “this economy kills.” Cardinal Maradiaga does not speak alone. He quoted Pope      ... MORE

Pooja Kaushik: What Is A Free Market?

The basics of economic freedom.     In a free-market economy, the forces of supply and demand are free of interference by a government, other authority or price-setting monopolies. In a controlled market or regulated market, a government intervenes in demand and supply through various non-market methods such as, laws that creates barriers  ... MORE

Don't Forget To Tingle At Benefits Of Capitalism

by Rich Tucker.     In his classic baseball book “Ball Four,” Jim Bouton writes that as a child he longed to be able to run, just once, across the beautiful outfield grass. Yet as an adult and a major league ballplayer, he takes being on the field for granted. “Sometimes I forget to tingle,” he writes. In our capitalist system, we're all forgetting to tingle.     ... MORE

Michael Moeller: There Is No 'Good Regulation'

The case for unbridled economic freedom.   For an unapologetic capitalist, it's particularly frustrating when an allegedly pro-capitalist politician lacks the intellectual ammunition to adequately defend the free market. Concessions to statist opponents provide the illusion that statists have the moral upper hand. This is especially self-defeating when a  ... MORE

John Stossel: No Regulation? No Problem

Laissez-faire, anyone?   In the short time since President Obama was re-elected, government has issued hundreds of new regulations. The bureaucrats never stop. There are now more than 170,000 pages of federal regulations. President Obama wants still more rules. Cheering on increased financial regulation, he said, "We've got to keep moving forward." ... MORE

What Liberals Don't Understand About Ayn Rand

by Cathy Young.    Ayn Rand, the Russian-born writer and self-styled philosopher who died three decades ago, is back in the news as a favorite author of Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan. In recent years, the passionately individualist, pro-capitalist Rand has been embraced as a champion of freedom by many conservatives ... MORE

Ayn Rand's Long Journey To The Heart Of American Politics

by Jennifer Burns.    In the heyday of her celebrity, it often seemed that the only appropriate public response to Ayn Rand was dismissal. In 1961, Newsweek magazine sent a reporter to investigate the growing circle of devotees clustered around the right wing novelist. Visiting the New York City headquarters of Rand’s Objectivist movement, the reporter declared ... MORE

A. Barton Hinkle: Got A Pencil? You Didn't Build That

Nobody can make a pencil by himself.     Most people would never accuse President Obama of memorizing Milton Friedman under the covers at night. Yet the patron saint of laissez-faire probably would not take as much exception as many Republicans have to Obama’s comment in Roanoke three weeks ago that “if you’ve got a business – you didn’t build that.   ... MORE

VIDEO: Who Was America's Greatest President?

Libertarian economist Murray Rothbard's answer WILL surprise you.

Ed Feulner: Onerous Effects Of Overrugulation

Small business wrapped in red tape.    We keep hearing that the economy is in a “jobless recovery.” What’s holding American companies back? Why aren’t they hiring more people? High taxes draw a lot of attention, and rightly so. They depress investment and discourage innovation. But escalating regulatory costs also undermine our  ... MORE

Jacob G. Hornberger: Vision Of A Free Society

The answers that freedom provides.   If we abolish public schooling, then how will the poor be educated? If drug laws are repealed, won't everyone go on drugs? If Social Security is abolished, won't old people starve to death? If we don't have Medicare and Medicaid, how would anyone afford decent medical care? If we don't have licensing, won't quacks be performing heart ... MORE

VIDEO: Top 3 Common Myths of Capitalism

Is being pro-business and pro-capitalism the same? Does capitalism generate an unfair distribution of income? Was capitalism responsible for the most recent financial crisis?