Showing posts with label minorities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label minorities. Show all posts
March 30, 2016

How Trump's steel tariffs harm America

fromReason: The American people will suffer more than the moguls in the steel industry will benefit. 
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

Privileged whites leave inner-city minorities defenseless with gun control push

fromPBNews: Gun control has always been about disarming the common man. The ruling class and their wealthy donors will always be armed to the teeth. 
Police State America      2nd Amendment Assaults

Why you should NEVER talk to police

fromLewRockwell: Should be required reading ESPECIALLY for honest, law abiding citizens with nothing to fear from law enforcement. Think about how tight-lipped they get when they are the ones accused!
Police State America     Individual Liberty: America's First Principle

California, other states sue over citizenship question on next census

fromSFGate: Leftwing tyrants panic at the prospect of illegal aliens not providing them with political power. 
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

Socialist utopia: child gangs fight for "quality garbage" with machetes in Venezuela

fromZeroHedge: The Miami Herald has detailed the lives of children forced to live under the harsh realities of socialism. 
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

Detroit taxpayers cough up $225,000 to pay for unjustified dog killings by cops

fromTheNewYorker: Some cops have killed more than 70 dogs. 
Police State America

Scott Shackford: The Middle Class Is Shrinking!

Because They’re Getting Rich!   Success is seen as a disaster when you care more about income inequality than mobility. "The American Middle Class is Losing Ground," is the title of Pew Research Center's new report on income inequality. That headline informed the headlines that other media outlets have settled on as well. The Los Angeles  ... MORE

Ira Stoll: A Warning About The Politics Of Crowds

The tactics of Trump, Sanders and the Pope.    The voice I find myself missing this political season is that of Fouad Ajami, who died last year. Not so much for Ajami’s insights into the area that was his academic speciality, the Middle East, though one certainly wishes for his thoughts on the Islamic State, the humanitarian disaster that is Syria, and   ... MORE

Victimhood Has Become A Badge Of Honor On Campus

by Alex Pfeiffer.       Weaklings now revered. A journal article by two sociologists suggests the rise of microaggressions stems from a culture of victimhood that celebrates the aggrieved and perceives them as virtuous martyrs – most notably on college campuses. Making matters worse, this perception is fostered by administrations that coddle and       ... MORE

Starbucks Announces New Effort To Break Law

by Roger Clegg.    A plan to adopt racial hiring practices. According to the Wall Street Journal, “Starbucks Corp. is teaming up with more than a dozen companies in a commitment to increase hiring of young, minority workers over the next three years.” It’s unclear from the article exactly how race and ethnicity are to be used in the hiring process.    ... MORE

Thomas Sowell: Micro-totalitarianism

Small people have small ways.  The political left has come up with a new buzzword: "micro-aggression." Professors at the University of California at Berkeley have been officially warned against saying such things as "America is the land of opportunity." Why? Because this is considered to be an act of "micro-aggression" against minorities  ... MORE

Edward Cline: The Prancing Unicorn Of Bruce Jenner

He (XY chromosome) is what he is.    No matter where I turned on the Internet today, I encountered the Vanity Fair cover of Bruce Jenner pretending to be a woman. I got so sick of encountering that cover that I decided to write about it. Transgenders, apparently, are the new privileged minority. Just as Muslims are. A Muslim baker or    ... MORE

Rand Paul Says The Republican Brand Is 'Broken'

by Theodore Schleifer.       Presidential candidate Rand Paul has christened himself a different kind of Republican, and now he's embracing a unique moniker: tree hugger. In a new book released on Tuesday, Paul said he composts and believes in clean air and clean water. Paul notes that he has planted giant sequoias in his yard and repurposed old    ... MORE

Liz Peek: Obama Promotes A Society Of Helpless Victims

Dependency sells.     Eric Holder stirred up a hornet’s nest the other day, whining to a mostly black crowd about the ill treatment he received from a Congressional Committee. Holder seemed to imply that he and President Obama have come in for rough treatment because they are black. It was a stunning comment. This is, after all, Eric Holder,  ... MORE

Thomas Sowell: The Left Versus Minorities

Hypocrisy exposed.       If anyone wanted to pick a time and place where the political left's avowed concern for minorities was definitively exposed as a fraud, it would be now — and the place would be New York City, where far left Mayor Bill de Blasio has launched an attack on charter schools, cutting their funding, among other things. These       ... MORE

Raising Minimum Wage A Disaster For Minorities

by Mark J. Perry.       Probably the most vulnerable, at-risk group in the labor market would have to be black male teenagers, judging by the 44.3% jobless rate for that group in November. In contrast, the jobless rate for white male teens in November was less than half the rate of their black counterparts (19.8%); for male Hispanic teens the jobless    ... MORE

Thomas Sowell: Unintended Consequences

Devastation sold as "compassion," and "inclusion."     One of the many unintended consequences of the political crusade for increased homeownership among minorities, and low-income people in general, has been a housing boom and bust that left many foreclosed homes that had to be rented, because there were no longer enough qualified    ... MORE

Thomas Sowell: Are We Serious About Education?

Look at what political incentives have produced.       Two recent events — one on the east coast and one on the west coast — raise painful questions about whether we are really serious when we say that we want better education for minority children. One of these events was an announcement by Dunbar High School in Washington, D.C.,   ... MORE

VIDEO: Thomas Sowell - Congressional Testimony

Thomas Sowell on affirmative action and judicial activism.

Obama's 'Fairness' Economy Has Backfired

by David Harsanyi.      One of the most seductive parts of President Barack Obama's political message (and the message of progressive Democrats in general) is sympathy for the poor and a willingness to talk about the disparities of capitalism -- about the rich being too rich and the poor being screwed. In some ways, it's the predominant message   ... MORE

Ross Kaminsky: The Pigs Of Pigford

Most naked taxpayer fleecing in recent memory.       The Washington Times covered it in 2001. And so did Fox News. Jennifer Rubin wrote about it in 2008, and many writers on these pages have mentioned it since then. In 2011, Andrew Breitbart made it one of his most cared-about causes, following from his outing of on-again off-again,   ... MORE

Walter E Williams: Minority Student Needs

The bitter results of sweet intentions. Professor Craig Frisby is on the faculty of University of Missouri's Department of Educational, School and Counseling Psychology. His most recent book is "Meeting the Psychoeducational Needs of Minority Students." It's a 662-page textbook covering a range of topics from multiculturalism and home and  ... MORE