Showing posts with label police. Show all posts
Showing posts with label police. Show all posts

What Are My Rights If The Police Want To Search My Car?

Just say no.   Police are only allowed to search your vehicle under very limited circumstances.   However, too many consent to incriminating searches because they do not know they can refuse or they feel intimidated. This information about police and vehicle searches can help you if you face one of these encounters.  It cannot be          ... MORE

Daniel Holtzclaw And The Limits Of “Community Policing”

by Victoria M. Massie. At the sentencing last week of Daniel Holtzclaw — the 29-year-old former Oklahoma City police officer convicted on 18 counts of rape and sexual assault of African-American women in the neighborhood he was assigned to patrol — District Attorney David Prater told the media: “I think people need to realize that this is not a ” ... MORE

New Way For Cops To Surveil You: Your Threat ‘Score’

by Justin Jouvenal.    While officers raced to a recent 911 call about a man threatening his ex-girlfriend, a police operator in headquarters consulted software that scored the suspect’s potential for violence the way a bank might run a credit report. The program scoured billions of data points, including arrest reports, property records, commercial    ... MORE

Jesse Walker: 2015 - The Year In Fear

Exaggerating fear for political purposes.     We live an age of unprecedented danger. The country is being battered by a nationwide crime wave. Subversives are waging a guerrilla war on cops. ISIS threatens the very existence of the United States, and its agents are infiltrating the homeland through our porous southern border. Even when the   ... MORE

Thomas Sowell: Remembering 2015

The lessons we should have learned.      How shall we remember 2015? Or shall we try to forget it? It is always hard to know when a turning point has been reached, and usually it is long afterwards before we recognize it. However, if 2015 has been a turning point, it may well have marked a turn in a downward direction for America and for       ... MORE

Justin Gardner: A Federal Judge Just Shamed The DEA For Fabricating Sham Cases Trying To Justify War On Drugs

Entrapment, law enforcement's favorite tool.  Since the War on Drugs began in earnest under Nixon and Reagan, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) has ruined millions of lives for nonviolent, victimless behavior. The DEA’s drug crusade is not limited to the homeland either, as it also has sole responsibility for pursing international  ... MORE

Public Safety's Greatest Threat: The American Police State

by Matthew Harwood.       If you’ve been listening to various police agencies and their supporters, then you know what the future holds: anarchy is coming—and it’s all the fault of activists.  In May, a Wall Street Journal op-ed warned of a “new nationwide crime wave” thanks to “intense agitation against American police departments” over   ... MORE

Jeff Nesbit: We Have Lost The War On Drugs

Criminalizing drugs just destroys more people.     It's time, finally, to face the ugly truth. We've lost the war on drugs in America. We need a new playbook, now, before more lives are lost. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said last week that fatal drug overdoses in America were the highest in recorded history in 2014. The news   ... MORE

Video Of Long Beach Killing By Police Of Suspect Released; Officer Shot His Partner, Then Both Cops Shot The Suspect

by Brian Doherty. So what was the crime for which Noel Aguilar had been apprehended?   Riding a bike wearing headphones.   Petty law enforcement claims another life. When Noel Aguilar was shot and killed by two officers in Long Beach, California, in May 2014, the police initially reported that Aguilar had shot Officer Albert Murad before     ... MORE

Jacob Sullum: Want My Blood? Get a Warrant.

Balking at warrantless alcohol testing.  Danny Birchfield drove his car into a ditch. Steve Beylund "nearly hit a stop sign while making a right hand turn into a driveway." William Bernard got his truck stuck in the river while trying to extract his boat. In his underwear. These embarrassing incidents—the first two of which happened in North Dakota,    ... MORE

William N. Grigg: Chicago Cops Say Keeping Evidence Of Misconduct Puts Cops In Danger – So They’re Destroying It

Destroying the evidence of long festering corruption.     With protesters thronging the streets of Chicago demanding police accountability and clamoring for the resignation of Mayor Rahm Emanuel, the city’s police union is frantically trying to destroy decades of records documenting police misconduct. As is always the case, the     ... MORE

Police Shooting Videos Spark Need For Reform

by Steven Greenhut.    It’s easy to understand why law-enforcement lobbyists have largely opposed efforts to expand the use of officer body cameras. As we see in Chicago—and now in San Francisco—the video images of police shootings may be at odds with what officers said took place. In Chicago, protesters have been demanding the         ... MORE

FBI Admits Police Violence Tracking System Is A Travesty

by T.C. Sottek.    The Washington Post reported today that the Federal Bureau of Investigation plans to replace its inadequate system for tracking police violence by 2017; an FBI official is calling it a "travesty." "We are responding to a real human outcry," FBI assistant director Stephen L. Morris told the Post. "People want to know what police are doing, and   ... MORE

Matt Agorist: College Grad Tasered & Beaten Until He Dies – The Chicago PD Releases The 3rd Horrific Video In Days

The hits keep on comin. It seems that the Chicago Police department is holding confession as the third video in just days has been released showing officers beat and taser a man before he dies. Only two weeks ago, after months of public pressure, the Chicago PD released the dashcam of Laquan McDonald being murdered by officer Jason Van Dyke.   ... MORE

Ed Krayewski: Video Captures A Knife-Wielding Man Surrounded And Executed By A Firing Squad Of Cops

Police admit five of the officers fired their guns.  Police in San Francisco shot and killed a man they say was a suspected stabber after he approached an officer while holding a knife. Video posted of the incident to Instagram shows at least nine officers pointing their guns at the man, who appears to be trying to walk away as an officer moves in   ... MORE

NY Times Editorial: The Chicago Police Scandal

A conspiracy of concealment.    The cover-up that began 13 months ago when a Chicago police officer executed 17-year-old Laquan McDonald on a busy street might well have included highly ranked officials who ordered subordinates to conceal information. But the conspiracy of concealment exposed last week when the city, under court order, ... MORE

J.D. Tuccille: Business Opportunities For Corrupt Cops

Drug laws and gun controls.  Following in the footsteps of so many people before him, Juan Pimentel saw opportunity in restrictive laws. It's an old story; government officials tell people they can't have what they want, and that prohibition creates a lucrative business opportunity for anybody willing to break the law to keep buyers happy. But     ... MORE